One of the most powerful elements of a communication plan is the ability to have a broad group of constituencies speak with one voice.
Engaging the leadership of your coalition in the development of the communications plan is a good tactic for building internal support and buy in for executing the plan. It is also essential to provide training, sample materials, and additional support as needed to assure that the membership of your coalition can use the messages effectively.
Forming a speaker’s bureau is one way to build a core group of supporters who will stay on message. A speaker’s bureau is a well trained group of coalition members and supporters that are prepared to speak publicly on behalf of the housing trust fund. Having a core group of speakers that you can depend on will allow you to get your message out to community groups, elected officials and the media efficiently and consistently.
In addition to training key spokespeople, you should also provide easy to use materials that help supporters effectively use your messages. For example materials to help coalition members stay on message click on:
Housing California Winning Story,
Housing Illinois Message Guide,
Washington Low Income Housing Coalition’s Messages That Work.
The Washington Low Income Housing Alliance has a webpage to help members and supporters stay on message.
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