Housing Trust Fund Project Welcomes Michael Anderson as Director
The Center for Community Change is pleased to announce that Michael Anderson assumed the role of Director of the Housing Trust Fund Project beginning October 1, 2014. Mary Brooks, who has directed the Housing Trust Fund Project since its inception in 1986, will become Senior Advisor to the Project. She will focus her expertise working with selected trust fund campaigns, and on building a sustainable system that captures the history and experience of the housing trust fund movement to support on-going efforts to enhance housing trust funds and affordable housing/homeless advocacy throughout the country.
“Mary Brooks has provided exemplary leadership to the Housing Trust Fund Project over the past three decades. The Center for Community Change looks forward to building on this strong foundation as Michael Anderson assumes his new role. The work of the Housing Trust Fund Project and its partners across the country is needed now more than ever,” said Mary Lassen, Managing Director of the Center for Community Change.
As Deputy Director, Michael has been working with the Housing Trust Fund Project since February 2010, expanding the technical assistance we provide to our partners by building effective campaigns and enhancing their communication initiatives. Michael will assume full responsibility for directing the programs of the Housing Trust Fund Project, working in tandem with Mary; Katy Heins, as senior organizer; and Maribel Villa, as administrative assistant. Michael brings years of experience working with campaigns and is widely recognized and appreciated as an expert in the field.
As director of the Housing Trust Fund Project, Mary has been the driving force in a movement that now includes more than 700 housing trust funds in operation in cities, counties and states across the country. Literally millions of people have a place to call home financed in part by housing trust funds. Working with partners in state and local coalitions in every part of the United States, Mary has helped lead the single greatest advance in public investment in affordable homes in the last three decades.
The Housing Trust Fund Project will continue in our role working with state and local advocates to sustain and advance the housing trust fund movement within the United States and to build this momentum into a stronger and more vibrant affordable housing advocacy community. We will continue to provide comprehensive information and on-going technical assistance to housing trust fund campaigns, as well as work with state and local partners to explore new avenues for increasing power and advancing public investment in affordable homes.